
Release Notes: 20/05/2022

This release includes API changes to Incoming Transfer and Account. Below, you will find details about the modifications made to the Incoming Transfer and Account APIs.

Incoming Transfer API changes:

  • Added transferDateFrom and transferDateTo date filtering parameters to the Incoming Transfer List API. Incoming Transfers
  • Added transferDate to the Incoming Transfer JSON object. Incoming Transfers

Account API changes:

  • New account balance adjustment workflows were introduced to ensure accurate and consistent adjustments to account balances.
    IF customers will now have the ability to reflect / mirror transactions from the providers they have integrated independently. This process, known as "Synchronisation," captures transactions that have taken place but were not initially recorded on the IF Platform.
    Please note: type can only be unconnected-service-provider and code of unconnected service provider must be included in data section.