Bank Accounts
Bank accounts are the entities that hold the main features of the account. The bank accounts do not hold balances. Each bank account is connected to a single service provider. The owner of a bank account can be a client or organization. Currently, the bank account can only be migrated by the support team as an organization owner for this release. According to the Service provider account model, a bank account can have a single transaction account or multiple. An example of this would be a Service Provider who supports a Multi-Currency Account on a single account number wherein IF treats the overarching account number as the Bank Account and the underlying currencies held as individual Transaction Accounts.
Get a Bank Account
GET /bank-accounts/{id}
"workflow": {},
"data": {
"bankAccount": {
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": null,
"status": "active",
"owner": "organization",
"ownerOfFunds": "client",
"alias": "Organization Account",
"features": {
"multiCurrency": false,
"safeguarded": false,
"serviceProviderAccountType": "real-account",
"virtualization": "not-applicable",
"fundsSegregated": false,
"accountHolder": "organization",
"senderName": "organization"
"connection": {
"id": "310152057408",
"serviceProvider": "nium",
"reference": "310152057408",
"state": "completed-up-to-date",
"status": "active",
"method": "built-in"
"accountHolderIdentityType": null,
"accountHolderName": null,
"serviceProvider": "nium"
"connect": {},
"metadata": {}
List Bank Accounts
GET /bank-accounts
Supported query parameters:
parameter | description |
---|---| | 0-indexed, default=0 | | default=10 |
data.bankAccount.clientId | UUID of client |
data.bankAccount.status | one of pending, active, inactive, suspended, closed, declined |
data.bankAccount.owner | one of client, organization |
data.bankAccount.ownerOfFunds | one of client, organization |
data.bankAccount.alias | Free text account alias |
data.bankAccount.accountHolderName | the holder name of the bank account |
data.bankAccount.accountHolderIdentityType | the holder idenetity type of the bank account |
data.bankAccount.serviceProvider | the service provider to which the bank account is connected |
"workflow": {},
"data": {
"bankAccounts": [
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": null,
"status": "active",
"owner": "organization",
"ownerOfFunds": "client",
"alias": "Organization Account",
"features": {
"multiCurrency": false,
"safeguarded": false,
"serviceProviderAccountType": "real-account",
"virtualization": "not-applicable",
"fundsSegregated": false,
"accountHolder": "organization",
"senderName": "organization"
"connection": {
"id": "00000000000",
"serviceProvider": "nium",
"reference": "310152057408",
"state": "completed-up-to-date",
"status": "active",
"method": "built-in"
"accountHolderIdentityType": null,
"accountHolderName": null,
"serviceProvider": "nium"
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"clientId": null,
"status": "active",
"owner": "organization",
"ownerOfFunds": "client",
"alias": "Operational Account",
"features": {
"multiCurrency": true,
"safeguarded": true,
"serviceProviderAccountType": "real-account",
"virtualization": "not-applicable",
"fundsSegregated": false,
"accountHolder": "organization",
"senderName": "organization"
"connection": {
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"serviceProvider": "currencycloud",
"reference": "210507-19653",
"state": "completed-up-to-date",
"status": "active",
"method": "built-in"
"accountHolderIdentityType": null,
"accountHolderName": null,
"serviceProvider": "currencycloud"
"connect": {},
"metadata": {
"page": {
"size": 10,
"number": 0,
"totalElements": 2,
"totalPages": 1
Bank Account Webhooks: Bank Account webhooks have "bank-accounts" in the module field in the webhook container object.
There are one type of webhook sent for bank accounts:- bank-account-migrated
These types are exposed in the webhook.type field.
"alias":"GBP Account",
"accountHolderName":"Sherlock Holmes",
Updated 3 months ago